Urban Farms

Urban Farming Improves Food Sovereignty

Las Cruces High School Students Learning Urban Agriculture

When vacant lots become farm plots in the city, the local community benefits from seizing more control over their nutritional options.

Humans have a right to define their own food and agriculture systems. This food sovereignty is the right of humans to have culturally appropriate food that is healthy and produced through ecologically-sound, sustainable methods. The DYGUP & Sustain program we sponsor at Chihuahuan Desert Charities is a crash-course in sustainable farming methodology. With a strong focus on soil health and techniques for cultivation in a desert environment.

Growing a Sustainable City

Las Cruces high school student presenting his regenerative agriculture project at Legacy Farm

How are urban farms the answer to growing a sustainable city?  

Urban farms are providing solutions to a myriad of urban ills.  Such as blighted vacant lots, food insecurity, stormwater runoff, and declining neighborhoods.  Over 50% of the world's population live in cities. Our city dwellers are having increased difficulty accessing fresh healthy foods, bringing high rates of malnutrition and obesity.  With that comes increased health disparities. Including increased rates of diabetes, heart disease, and cancers.

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